Beach Patrol Information
Unguarded Beaches
Use of beaches without guards in attendance is at one’s own risk. Swimming is only permitted on bathing beaches and only when lifeguards are present.
Bathing Beaches
Lifeguard coverage may vary depending on staff availability. Check sicbp.com for updates.
#3rd, #6th, #9th, 24th, 28th, 32nd, 34th, 38th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 45.5th, 49th, 51st, 54th, 56th, 59th, 61st, 64.5th, 68.5th, 71.5st, 75th, 77th, 81st, 84th, 86.5th, 89th, 92nd streets
#Lifeguard stand operational Friday, Saturday, Sunday
For more information about guarded beaches, please go to www.sicbp.com and click the “Beach Info” link on the home page, then click “Street Location of Lifeguard Stands.”
Beach Warning Flags
During the summer each lifeguard stand will fly a beach warning flag. The color of the flag will indicate surf conditions.
Green - Low Hazard Calm Conditions, Exercise Caution
Yellow - Medium Hazard Moderate Surf and/or Currents
Red - High Hazard High Surf and/or Strong Currents